Gospel Text: Come to me, all who labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take
my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and
my burden is light." Matt
Reflection: Whom
is this massage addressed to? To all who labor and are heavy laden.
then are the laborers? Are
they the ones who do the 9 to 5 job or perhaps much more or work in civic work
or labor in their farmyard, vineyard or kitchen?
forget that every human being from the moment of conception until death is a
laborer. We labor in the midst of the many forces that seek to vanquish us, so
that we are able to survive and hence every labor is an effort for
child in the womb has to face the moods and stimuli the parents and surrounding
atmosphere communicates to it. Add to
this is the genetic factor which brings with it its own bit of struggles. The forces of darkness, prominently at work
in those who are assailed by virtue of their exposure even to generational
sins, are also factors that lead to such a struggle and labor.
child as it grows up has to face the many misunderstandings, lack of parental
attention coupled with their indifference due to misplaced priorities. The child also has to face their circumstances and
surrounding hostile atmosphere, which are all stimulus to additional labor.
The scars of the hostility of life, some of which keep festering over a period of time, become an additional burden for the laborer who struggles to live an
upright life of sound virtues.
the academic education is only a minor part of the whole process of labor.
such is the menacing nature of our labor and the detrimental effect it can
create in us with eternal ramifications, then Jesus' offer comes as a welcome
solace to a world that labors every moment in pain, hurt, guilt, shame, rejection, unwanted-ness and trauma.
Marxist agenda has compelled the Church to celebrate labors day but the time is
come to restore the true meaning of labor to humanity and present anew the offer
of Jesus to a suffering humanity urgently in need of such a solace.
Thus the church will do justice to God actions in Christ Jesus. Otherwise all its acts and work of justice is an eyewash to please humanity, if at its core it does not proclaim this gospel of justice which Jesus offers.
such a message can be called the Gospel, the Good News of hope and salvation
from our fruitless sinful labor, progressing through the summit of the Eucharist (liturgy), ending ultimately into a reward of eternal rest.
Prayer: I look for your salvation O God, which you offer
through your beloved Son Jesus, and celebrate this freedom from sinful labor. that I too may enter into your rest.
DD = Dedicated
Discipleship: Come grow
in the Lord with us
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