Today’s Gospel Text: Now
on the first day of the week Mary Mag'dalene came to the tomb early, while it
was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. 2 So
she ran, and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus
loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we
do not know where they have laid him." 3 Peter then came out with the
other disciple, and they went toward the tomb. 4 They both ran, but the other
disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first; 5 and stooping to look in, he saw
the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. 6 Then Simon Peter came,
following him, and went into the tomb; he saw the linen cloths lying, 7 and
the napkin, which had been on his head, not lying with the linen cloths but
rolled up in a place by itself. 8 Then
the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and
believed; 9 for
as yet they did not know the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. 10 Then
the disciples went back to their homes. 11 But Mary stood weeping outside
the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb; 12 and
she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at
the head and one at the feet. 13 They
said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them,
"Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have
laid him." 14 Saying
this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was
Jesus. 15 Jesus
said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?"
Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, "Sir, if you have
carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him
away." 16 Jesus
said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in Hebrew,
"Rab-bo'ni!" (which means Teacher). 17 Jesus said to her, "Do not
hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and
say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your
God." 18 Mary
Mag'dalene went and said to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord";
and she told them that he had said these things to her. John
20:1-2. 11-18
Reflection: When it comes to observing certain happenings
in life, we definitely want a closer look at things.
Our modern gadgets have made things even easier for the
inquisitive mind to reach the depth of the story.
But human depth, even if aided by external innovative gadgets, is no depth. It continues to remain
superficial and never leads us to the complete truth but may lead us to a level
where the majority opinion matters and which remains to be the ultimate truth
for us.
Such is the shallowness of human insights into things,
because we are able to see only from a single dimension like the seven blind
men of Hindustan.
Is it that we can’t permeate the depth of the other
dimensions, especially concerning the spiritual reality?
No, we can, Jesus the ultimate truth promises us, through our
faith in him, that he will give us the Holy Spirit who will lead us into all
truth. (Jn. 16:13)
Hence Christ Jesus is the beginning from where we need to
start and he will lead us to the essential truth of life; truths that will lead
us to eternal life and in this life we will definitely be in peace and manifest joy.
For that to happen we should be willing to trust Jesus
and take that leap, as if entering the abyss of darkness that surrounds the truth and seems to cover it.
At the tomb we have a similar situation: when the beloved apostle
was at the tomb, he could see things from the outside and could have chosen to
remain where he is but he still enters into the depth and finds himself
During every praying moment, whether with the word of God or with him with us, we need to watch like
the dedicated beloved disciple who at first watched from the outside and then enters and takes the plunge; the Lord with us to assist us we will find ourselves
Prayer: In the
way of thy testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on
thy precepts, and fix
my eyes on thy ways. I will delight in thy statutes; I will not forget thy word. Ps 119:14-16
DD = Dedicated
Discipleship: Come grow in the Lord with us
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