Today’s Gospel Text:
"The kingdom
of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up;
then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 "Again,
the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who,
on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought
it. Matt 13:44-46
Reflection: How
often parents work hard giving in all that they have so that their children do
Many parents do not gather up anything by way of a bank
balance just so that their children may get the best. Some even mount debts.
For a higher cause or a greater cause we will do everything
possible in order to achieve it.
Similarly a businessman may sell everything in order to
enter into a new business because he knows that his new investment will help him in
a greater measure to achieve much.
Similarly Christian history has been replete with examples
of the many saints or holy men and women who have left everything in order to
follow Christ.
For them to follow Christ has always been the highest cause
to live for; a cause which all Christians are called to live because Christ
Jesus himself by his greatest ever sacrifice is worthy of that allegiance from
We need not go very deep in history; for even in our times
there are peoples who have left everything for the sake of the Gospel of Christ
Jesus or even if they are involved in a secular world yet they strive to make
Christ Jesus the center of all their actions.
For them who follow him he is like those fine pearls of great
price or the treasure hidden in a field; Only those who know Christ and are
aware of what he has done for them realize his true value.
And yet, what we realize is still partial; for we shall know
the fullness of his love and sacrifice when we shall meet him face to face in
his everlasting kingdom.
These who follow him are living testimonies, not just for
observation but for the world to observe, even as they bear witness to the
These act as models in a world that is confused and finds
everything dark and hopeless.
But to the many who hope, despite the many upheavals, for an
idealistic world with possible solutions to its many problems are bound to
struggle and be lost forever in the maze of life.
Prayer: Thou art
my hiding place and my shield; I hope
in thy word. Ps 119:114
DD = Dedicated
Discipleship: Come grow in the Lord with us
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