Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Called to be Followers

Scripture: As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office; and he said to him, "Follow me." And he rose and followed him. Matt 9:9

Reflection:  What other options did Jesus have besides the possibility of leaving Matthew alone? He could have called him for service after all there are many who believe that Christianity means to serve? “Come and serve with me or come serve humanity even as I serve humanity”, could have been the words of Jesus to Matthew.  Why then did he call Matthew and his other disciples to follow him? Why does he call each one of us to follow him?
Christ Jesus knew that humanity, even the best of them is incapable of this calling to serve humanity, whether they be politicians, social activists, philanthropists or religious leaders, sages or animators.
For humanity has never understood the essential need of their fellowmen and yet they are the most eager to serve, give expert advice in matters of life, dole out money or material wealth and offer consolation. They do this all of their life drawing satisfaction from the praises of others or from the joy that they find in giving. 
The only one who knew what humanity required and has proved it by his teaching (life) and sacrificial death was also the one capable of rendering a service to humanity.  Jesus did it by going to the extent of laying down his life for us.  True Christian service is a participation in the service, which Jesus has already rendered to humanity. We render it by following Jesus.
Prayer:  Lord, teach me your ways.
DD = Dedicated Discipleship:  Come grow in the Lord with us

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