Scripture: "For
the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the morning
to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 After agreeing with the laborers for a
denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. Matt 20:1-2
Reflection: God is in the business of hiring laborers for
his vineyard. HE wants laborers who will ultimately produce the fruit which
will produce the wine of gladness through their labour.
is but natural to seek a reward but while seeking a reward we also seek with
envy and jealously in our hearts. Who is getting what? How come he or she got
more than me? Why am I being discriminated? Why has God given me less gifts
than my friend or neighbor? Look, I have put in more and used more of my
creative abilities and talent and why is God treating me like this? Am I not
better equipped than he/she? See where
you fit in here.
is no room in God’s vineyard for these faults because ultimately he is generous
to all of us. It is only in the comparison we fail to see the generosity of the
master. Worse still, we then begin to grumble and even cry foul and cry injustice.
Lord, come my eyes to look to you and your generosity towards me in all things
and to praise your always for all that you do to hire us lest we go empty of
= Dedicated Discipleship: Come grow in
the Lord with us
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