Scripture: When the crowds were increasing, he began to say,
"This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall
be given to it except the sign of Jonah. Luke 11:29
Imagine a huge prayer rally where there is healing
and deliverance, such a rally is always considered a success. The success of a programme
is always measured by the crowd. Here
was an opportunity for Jesus to showcase his success on the basis of the crowd
that was gathering. But to him it was not the quantity that mattered but the quality
that mattered to him the most.
quality was analyzed and judged to be a crowd and even a generation that was
for us, God is not playing a game with us. He is revealing to us that Jesus’
death on the cross and his dying and rising on the third day is the greatest
sign and if men do not believe in him through this sign then they are in
trouble. His death and resurrection is the greatest ever miracle or sign in the
history of mankind and can be validated historically too.
Prayer: May
I Lord meditate on your great cross that offers the saving grace of eternal
life and glory in it alone.
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