Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Teach us to pray

Scripture: He was praying in a certain place, and when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." 2 And he said to them, "When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. 3 Give us each day our daily bread; 4 and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation." Luke 11:1-4

Reflection: A hallmark of a good dedicated disciple is to follow in the footsteps of the master.  When inviting them he did not ask them to follow his values or his teachings but to follow him. Christ has proved himself, to the cross, as an example to emulate and follow.

You don’t like prayer, no problem, the disciple too were no better in following Christ. But seeing Jesus pray they wanted to make some progress; at least a beginning. The Lord’s Prayer is the beginning of all prayer. He taught them to pray exactly as they desired but not precisely the way John taught them did he teach them.  To address God as Father was unique to the Son who reveals Him to us.

A child that grows under the Fatherhood of God and with the grace of Jesus under the guidance of the Holy Spirit progresses well unto eternity. With the love of the Father with us, and by inviting his Kingdom and seeking his will, one is building on earth the progressing ladder to heaven.

Prayer:  Lord, may we who know your prayer progress well with help from the Holy Spirit and your grace, under the Fatherhood of God.

DD = Dedicated Discipleship:  Come grow in the Lord with us

1 comment:

  1. This is a most beautiful prayer Jesus Taught us. Also teach us How to pray
