Scripture: "But
when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has
come near. 21 Then let those who are in
Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and
let not those who are out in the country enter it; 22 for
these are days of vengeance, to fulfil all that is written. 23 Alas for those who are
with child and for those who give suck in those days! For great distress shall
be upon the earth and wrath upon this people; 24 they
will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive among all nations; and
Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles
are fulfilled. Luke 21:20-28
Reflection: Are we still living in the time of the prophecy
of Jesus beginning with what the Romans did in 72 AD.? They ransacked Jerusalem
and destroyed the temple and all that was Jerusalem.
they were spoken to a people in order to warn them of the need to turn to God.
Hence, more so for our generation, when and for whom and how it is going to be
fulfilled is not important. What is
important is that there can be moments of disaster or calamity which could keep
coming without warning. In our generation
it could happen all the more on account of the rebelliousness and Godlessness
of men.
blessed is the man who is equipped with a faith that is not afraid of any
calamities or tragedies. His trust will be the Lord who is able to deliver his
chosen ones, if not from the immediate, then from the eternal evil that one may
prophecy that is based on truth communicates Jesus as the Savior of mankind.
Prayer: Eternal
Father, Save me from the hour of darkness by helping me prepare my heart to
meet you.
DD = Dedicated Discipleship: Come grow in the Lord with us
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