Thursday, 3 November 2011

May the Lord protect You

Scripture: Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. 2 And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." Luke 15:1-10

Reflection: Switch on the light at night in a village and lo all the insects draw near it. It is as if there is a great magnetic pull that draws them to the light. The credit can never be given to the insects that gather around in great unity of action but to the light that attracts and allows them to hover around it. These insects become visible and may even perish before the light and yet they are not discouraged to be around the light that can result in their death. They become easy prey to the nocturnal creatures that prowl in the dark of night.

Likewise in the Gospel we see tax collectors and sinners drawing near Jesus; the unrighteous, the evil, the rejects of society being attracted to Jesus. They must and they are willing to follow him whatever the cost and will not give up if they are true dedicated and faithful disciples.  They may even have to die because the light makes them vulnerable for the beasts of darkness to prowl on them.

Prayer:  Save us O Lord from the lurking beasts of darkness while you are near. Not my will but yours be done.

DD = Dedicated Discipleship:  Come grow in the Lord with us

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