Friday, 19 April 2013

Hard to Follow

Today’s Gospel Text: Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" 61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at it, said to them, "Do you take offense at this? 62 Then what if you were to see the Son of man ascending where he was before? 63 It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But there are some of you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the first who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray him. 65 And he said, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." 66 After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him. 67 Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" 68 Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:60-69

Reflection: What is the hardest thing to do in life?

Is it passing an exam or getting a job or cooking your daily meal or fulfilling the daily obligations of life?

Yet for the many even the routine could be quite a drudgery to handle and may go through all sorts of mental agony and turmoil; an oppression.

Indeed, life is no bed of roses; some find it difficult to give up on the bondages of life or to forgive or let go of their many attachments to life and its many allurements.

Even the pleasures of life and its after effects can ruin the peace and tranquility of the many with a conscience ever at it, convicting them of the evil thereof.

But its still not the hardest thing to do in life because there are avenues, life styles, spirituality's and support structures in place in our corrupt society which supports the most sullied conscience.  The immoral have a place in our society and they, irrespective of their lifestyle, are highly immortalized by our world.

The priorities of the world are not in keeping with the priorities of God and in many places the members of the church too have made the human priorities the priorities of God rather than making the priorities of God a human priority.

Thus you arrive at the hardest thing to do in life, much harder than all of the above combined together:  To follow Christ Jesus and to walk in his ways.

Even in his own life time Jesus was faced with such a situation too: "Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?""  (vs. 60)

“After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him.” (vs. 66)

The call to follow Jesus is really difficult and can invite many negative tags and persecutions in the process, even by the so called followers of Christ and by princes who rule in his name and hence it is always hard.

Nevertheless, those who have put their hand to the plough will never look back, even if it means the cross. (Cfr. Lk. 9:62)

Prayer:  Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering. Ps 26:1

DD = Dedicated Discipleship:  Come grow in the Lord with us

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